Sudoku with CPP
There are two parts in this repo
- Sudoku Map Transformation
- Sudoku Map Solver
transformation: make run
solve: make solve
Source: sudoku.cpp sudoku.h transform.cpp
Aim: Generate an equivalent Sudoku Map with user key-in function
Input: A 9x9 Sudoku Map
There are 5 methods to transform a Sudoku Map in this code
- Exchange two number in whole Sudoku Map
- Exchange two rows
- Exchange two cols
- Clockwise Rotate Sudoku Map 90 degree
- Mirror Inversion Sudoku Map(Horizontal, Vertical)
There has a default grid inside code Input: A 9x9 Sudoku Map, blank space fills with 0
Method: Using recursive method to find the solution of given input.
Output: If there is a solution, output solution matrix else output No solution exists.
There is not any error handling mechanism. Input must in range