
Lipsiadmin is a new revolutionary admin for your projects.Lipsiadmin is based on Ext Js 2.0. framework (with prototype adapter) and is ready for Rails 2.0. This admin is for newbie developper but also for experts, is not entirely written in javascript because the aim of developper wose build in a agile way web/site apps so we use extjs in a new intelligent way a mixin of “old” html and new ajax functions, for example ext manage the layout of page, grids, tree and errors, but form are in html code.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Created by Davide D'Agostino on 2008-01-11.
Copyright 2008 Lipsiasoft s.r.l. All rights reserved.

Released under the MIT license


Lipsiadmin is a new revolutionary admin for your projects.

Is developped by http://www.lipsiasoft.com that use it from 1 year in production enviroments.

Lipsiadmin is based on Ext Js 2.1 framework (with prototype adapter) and is ready for Rails 2.0.

This admin is for newbie developper but also for experts, is not entirely written in javascript because the aim of developper wose build in a agile way web/site apps so we use extjs in a new intelligent way a mixin of “old” html and new ajax functions, for example ext manage the layout of page, grids, tree and errors, but form are in html code.


Rails 2.0


git clone git://github.com/Lipsiasoft/lipsiadmin.git vendor/plugins/lipsiadmin

or if you are on edge rails

script/plugin install git://github.com/Lipsiasoft/lipsiadmin.git


script/generate lipsiadmin # Generate the base admin
script/generate lipsiadmin_page yourmodel # Generate a "scaffold" for your model

Usage: script/generate lipsiadmin_page ModelName [--with-images||--with-files]

    -i, --with-images=image1,image2  Add images to the templates for this model
    -l, --with-files=file1,file2     Add files to the templates for this model

See our wiki for more examples and docs


LAST CHANGES on 2008-05-21
  * Added a new PDF generator, we don't need the expensive PRINCEXML, we can use pd4ml
  * Added a manifest that show the current routes that are necessary to add
  * Added ext-all-debug.js (Was autodetect if env == development)
  * Removed menuitems table and added new module project 
  * Improve Auth System with project modules
  * Initial rdoc documentation
  * Removed from admin view list to index so we can use cruds
  * Improve Admin -> Accounts for add project modules
  * Added new class AccessControl (Documented)
  * New config file for roles, modules in initializers/access_rules.rb

If you have a table named Items and generate an admin page, search does not work. 
Guess it has something to do with the item object in the extjs code.

Edit config/config.yml
Edit routes after a script/generate lipsiadmin_page
Remove protect_from_forgery from app/application.rb

Many thanks to: Gabrio, Philippe and many others that help me in find/fix bugs.