Testing the wrapper: 1- Go to folder: ..\ogrenewt\bin\ 2-You will find a series of compiled demos. Try some or all them before you try anything else. -Using the library: 1-The wrapper comes with precompiled release dll , you can simple copy that DLL to you Ogre folder and set a path to where the wrapper was unpacked. For header: ..\ogrenewt\source For library: ..\ogrenewt\projects\vs_2010\Win32\ogreNewton\ReleaseDll Building the library: 1-DownLoad Newton SDK 3.13 from github (minimum) 2-Open visual studio 2010 solution in folder: ..\newton-dynamics\packages\projects\visualStudio_2010\build.sln 3-Build debug and release 4-You will need to set few environment variables: Say your Ogre SDK is installed: For example the Newton engine in my system is set to NEWTON_DYNAMICS=..\newton-dynamics For example the OGRE sdk in my system is set to OGRE_ENGINE=C:\Development\OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0 5-Now with visual studio 2010, open solution: ..\ogrenewton\projects\vs_2010\ogreNewton.sln Building the demos 1- do the step on previous section 2- Now with visual studio 2010, open solution: ..\ogrenewton\projects\vs_2010\demos\allDemos.sln All solution should build without warning or errors.