A webdriver (using wd) wrapper around PhantomJS.
PhantomJS must be installed and available on the PATH
for this package to work.
var phantom = require("phantom-wd");
var browserPromise = phantom({
debug: false // boolean, console.log PhantomJS output
port: 8910 // number, which port PhantomJS should listen on
is a promise for wd.promiseRemote
.then(function (browser) {
return browser.get("http://admc.io/wd/test-pages/guinea-pig.html")
.then(function () {
return browser.execute("return document.title");
.then(function (title) {
expect(title).toEqual("WD Tests");
// This both shuts down the webdriver connection and kills PhantomJS
return browser.quit();
BSD 2-Clause