An maven plugin which packages your java application together with a JRE into a single executable archive file. The result is a single file with minimal dependencies on the host system, which can be dropped and run anywhere by a User, similar to statically linked C or C++ applications
This project is just a proof of concept and far from beeing usable productive. The biggest limitation right now is that it only will run on Linux and only create Linux compatible executable files.
An example plugin configuration can be found in the test-executable-maven-plugin project. To use it, simply type:
$ mvn package
which creates a runnable file under target with the same name as the jar file name (without the .jar extension). You just can invoke this file
$ target/test-executable-maven-plugin-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Hello, World!
Unordered list of stuff to add
- Support for Windows binaries (They will need a whole new approach)
- Cross-Building (Windows runnables on linux and vice verca)
- Add support for Java 9 / JigSaw / JLink
- More Documentation