

The Bio Template Generator is a CLI application that takes user input from the given prompts and creates a preset template including the inputs given. My motivation for creating this application was to practice the basics of NodeJS, as well as practice installing npms and incorporating the the inquirer npm in my code. This application is useful for anyone looking to create a simple template with ease.

Future Development

Furture devlopment plans include better styling and layout, as well as more prompts to create a more fleshed out template.


  1. Clone the reopsitory with the followining command: 'git clone'

  2. CD into the repository on your local machine

  3. Make sure you have nodejs ( installed

  4. Run the command 'node index.js' in the CLI


  1. Questions will appear, type your answers directly into the console

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  2. When the CLI logs 'User Profile succesfully created', your template is completed and is stored in the main directory

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