Gitstart creates, adds, and pushes with one line.
This script automates creating a git repo. The script will:
- Create .gitignore if you provide a language.
- Create a license.txt depends on your choice.
- Create a new repo at
- Create a file with the repo name.
- Add and commit with a message.
- Add the remote and push the file.
The script reads your GitHub username from ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml and uses the directory name as a GitHub repo name.
- UNIX-lie (Tested on Ubuntu and MacOS.)
- GitHub CLI, >v2.3.0.
- jq.
Linux users can download gh cli from the Releases page, then run:
sudo apt install ./gh_x.x.x_xxxxxxx.deb
After installing Awesome package manager:
awesome install shinokada/gitstart
If you have Homebrew on your macOS, your can run:
brew tap shinokada/gitstart && brew install gitstart
Download the latest version from releases page and run:
sudo apt install ./gitstart_version_all.deb
If you install Gitstart either Awesome package manager/Homebrew/Debian package, then the following will uninstall Gistart.
curl -s > tmp1 && bash tmp1 && rm tmp1
- Login github using
gh auth login
. - Starting gitstart
# define a dir path
gitstart -d repo-name
# in a current dir
cd new_repo
gitstart .
- Adding language preference
gitstart -d repo-name -l python
This will add python .gitignore as well.
- The script asks you about your license preference.
Is it correct your GitHub username is shinokada. y/yes/n/no
>>> Your github username is shinokada.
>>> Your new repo name is test1.
Select a license:
1) MIT: I want it simple and permissive.
2) Apache License 2.0: I need to work in a community.
3) GNU GPLv3: I care about sharing improvements.
4) None
5) Quit
Your license: 2
Creating a public remote repo /Users/shinichiokada/Downloads/test1>>> Running git init.
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/shinichiokada/Downloads/test1/.git/
? Repository name test1
? Repository description test1 repo
✓ Created repository shinokada/test1 on GitHub
✓ Added remote
>>> LICENSE is created.
>>> Creating .gitignore for ...
- Select a visibility.
>>> You are logged in. Creating your newtest in remote.
? Visibility [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Public
Read more about Licensing.
Shinichi Okada
Copyright (c) 2021 Shinichi Okada (@shinokada) This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.