
Plugin Website for Athena Framework

Primary LanguageCSS

Athena Framework Plugins Website

Yes, it is now an open source website so you can also contribute if you don't like something you see. This automatically builds based on changes in the altv-athena-plugins-md repository and deploys your plugin to be displayed.



Where do the Pages come from?

There's a repository that this website uses to construct all of its content.

You can visit that here https://github.com/Stuyk/altv-athena-plugins-md


All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
npm run build Update Submodules, Build, and Deploy to dist folder.
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying


  • Create a PR in altv-athena-plugins-md
  • Sends Workflow action to altv-athena-plugins
  • Builds the latest version of the WebSite
  • Digital Ocean listens for Code Changes in dist branch.


  • Currently builds roughly 180 pages in 60s
  • Roughly 1800 pages in 10 minutes.
  • Everything is static.

Should be sufficient for forseeable future.