
Arduino Tracking Software with BNO055

Primary LanguageC++


Arduino Tracking Software with BNO055

The task was to develop a Software for Arduino to track the driven way of an vehicle without using GPS, because the vehicle is mostly driving underground.

Parts you need

  • Arduino Uno
  • Adafruit BN055
  • Catalex MicroSD Card Adapter
  • Reed Switch


With the BN055 we can measure the roll-pitch-yaw angle of the vehicle and with the Reed Switch when we traveled for example one meter (if you know the diameter of your wheels). Thanks to this information and the Pythagorean theorem we can now locate our robot, if we know/safed the starting point.

roll pitch yaw


First we need to calibrate our Sensor

Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055();
imu::Vector<3> euler = bno.getVector(Adafruit_BNO055::VECTOR_EULER);
uint8_t system, gyro, accel, mag = 0;
bno.getCalibration(&system, &gyro, &accel, &mag);

Important for use is the value of the variable mag. If mag reaches the value 3 we are ready to go.

Now the calc starts. We measure every one meter the euler vector (degrees) to calculate the new position.

      position_z = position_z + sin((euler.y()*DEG_TO_RAD));
      hyp =  cos((euler.y()*DEG_TO_RAD));    
      position_x = position_x + cos((euler.x()*DEG_TO_RAD)) * (-1) * hyp;
      position_y = position_y + sin((euler.x()*DEG_TO_RAD)) * hyp;

      else if(euler.x() > 90 && euler.x() <=180){
      winkel = 180 - euler.x();
      position_x = position_x + cos((winkel*DEG_TO_RAD)) * hyp;
      position_y = position_y + sin((winkel*DEG_TO_RAD)) * hyp;

      else if(euler.x() > 180 && euler.x() <=270){
      winkel= 270 - euler.x();
      position_x = position_x + sin((winkel*DEG_TO_RAD)) * hyp;
      position_y = position_y + cos((winkel*DEG_TO_RAD)) * (-1) * hyp;

      else if(euler.x() > 270){
      winkel = 360 - euler.x();
      position_x = position_x + cos((winkel*DEG_TO_RAD)) * (-1) * hyp;
      position_y = position_y + sin((winkel*DEG_TO_RAD)) * (-1) * hyp;

After that we just safe our values in an csv-file on the SD card.


With my other git repo (here) we can visualize the driven way. Here is an example.



Stefan Helm