
A fire-and-forget HTTP request queue implementation for browsers.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

@style/http-queue Standard Version wercker status

A fire-and-forget HTTP request queue implementation for browsers.


npm i --save @style/http-queue

Usage example

import queue from '@style/http-queue';

async () => {
    const { schedule, drain } = queue();

    // Schedule some HTTP requests
    schedule({verb: 'POST', url: 'http://analytics.stylelounge.de', data: {character: 'Almec'}});
    schedule({verb: 'POST', url: 'http://analytics.stylelounge.de', data: {character: 'Amee'}});
    schedule({verb: 'POST', url: 'http://analytics.stylelounge.de', data: {character: 'Darth Bane'}});
    schedule({verb: 'POST', url: 'http://analytics.stylelounge.de', data: {character: 'Beed'}});
    schedule({verb: 'POST', url: 'http://analytics.stylelounge.de', data: {character: 'Sio Bibble'}});
    schedule({verb: 'POST', url: 'http://analytics.stylelounge.de', data: {character: 'Dengar'}});
    schedule({verb: 'POST', url: 'http://analytics.stylelounge.de', data: {character: 'Feral'}});

    // Let's drain the queue ("waits" until all requests has been sent OR terminates after configurable
    // timeout; default = 3000 ms)
    await drain();


The library uses the debug library internally. You can activate the debug messages by executing the following in your console:

localStorage.debug = '@stylelounge/http-queue:*';


Available npm scripts

name description
npm run build Creates a clean build of this library (installs all npm packages, the TS typings and compiles everything).
npm run lint Lints the TS code via tslint.
npm run test (a.k.a. npm test) Performs all the tests within the project.

Semantic commit messages

This project follows a pattern, called semantic commit messages. By using this convention it is possible to infer the next version number based on the last commit messages when creating a new release.