- anaclumos@Lunit-io
- baleen37카카오스타일 ( Tech Leader
- bandoche@marqvision
- benjioh5@SCV-Soft
- claudiajkangSeoul, Korea
- DanielTimLee@Kosslab-kr
- deminothLunit Inc. @lunit-io
- devxoul@indentcorp
- dohvis@theori-io
- easylogic@summernote @easylogic @elf-framework
- geonuSeoul, Republic of Korea
- izen1231@backslash-dev
- JSpiner@KakaoMobility
- juneyoung-kangLOEKOREA
- khg0712viva republica
- kimtruthRepublic of Korea
- kingsj0405CIPLAB at YSU
- mete0r
- myungseokangABLY Corp., Inc.
- ninezero90hySeoul, Korea
- PineApple777@HYU-ICEWALL @oopartians
- rajephon@a15t
- rolluesafuventures
- SehoNohVeluga Brewery inc. @velugabrewery
- seongjoojin@musina
- shlee322@hyperconnect
- sinwoobang@a15t
- sookcha@green-labs
- stevejkang@thebbodek @ampersandcorp
- stunstunstun@tossplace
- sublee@naver
- TaeGuNi
- unclokBaseconect
- Woochang4862
- yoloseem@toss