
sample apps and code for use with the entitlements feature

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Entitlements Samples

This repository contains examples of using the Entitlements feature of Styra DAS in various languages and settings.

How to Run

This repository contains several different sample applications (listed below) which demonstrate various methods by which to integrate OPA with your application in various languages. For convenience, all of these sample applications are bundled into a single docker image, and which application is launched depends on the setting of the SAMPLE_APP environment variable (see Influential Environment Variables).

Additionally, various environment variables need to be set which can be retrieved from a DAS instance (tip: you can create your own DAS instance for free via this link).

To get started, you need to first download the Docker image, or build it locally.

To build locally:

docker build -t styra/entitlements-samples:vlocal .

To download the image (substantially faster):

docker pull styra/entitlements-samples:latest

An example of running the Python sample application would be:

$ docker run -it \
 -p 8080:8080 -p 8123:8123 -e DOCS_PORT=8080 -e API_PORT=8123 \
 -e SAMPLE_APP=python-httpsample \
 -e DAS_URL='https://CHANGEME.styra.com/' \

Use styra/entitlements-samples:vlocal instead of styra/entitlements-samples:latest if you used docker build previously.

You can determine your DAS system ID (DAS_SYSTEM) by looking in the top-left corner of the screen while you have the system in question selected in the DAS, it should be a long sequence of letters and numbers such as ca8cef0d13134065bd7481f56f05537c.

You can create a token (DAS_TOKEN) via Workspace->Access Control->API Tokens.

Alternatively, if you view the quickstart for the "Entitlements" system type, your DAS instance will automatically generate you an appropriate docker run command with the necessary environment variables pre-filled (feel free to change the SAMPLE_APP variable to try out different samples).

The sample applications that you can choose from are:

Influential Environment Variables

You can use the following environment variables to influence the behavior of the container via -e.

These environment variables must be set for the container to work:

  • DAS_TOKEN - the token to be used for retrieving the OPA configuration from the DAS.
  • DAS_SYSTEM - the DAS system ID we should pull rules from.
  • DAS_URL - the full URL of the DAS instance we are to pull the system down from.
  • SAMPLE_APP - which of the sample applications to run. See previous section for choices.

These environment variables may be specified, but have default values (shown in parenthesis) if they are omitted:

  • API_PORT (8123) - the port on which the API server for the sample should listen. When using the "entitlements playground", it is served on this port as well.
  • DOCS_PORT (8080) - the port on which the API documentation server should listen.
  • TEST - if this variable is set to any non-empty value, then the test suite is run against the chosen sample app. This variable is normally used only during sample development.


To run the test suite, simply issue a normal docker run command, but add -e TEST=YES. The test suite will automatically run against the selected SAMPLE_APP.

How Does This Work?

Though it adds additional complexity to the end-to-end process, this approach means that users can get up and running with an environment that will allow them to experiment with the DAS quickly, and without having to install any dependencies (other than Docker and git) on their system. This is ideal, because users wishing to develop policies using DAS may not have the technical expertise to set up a development environment suitable to run each sample app. Even those users with the requisite knowledge may also prefer to get up and running with the DAS more quickly so as to focus on the task at hand.

The container image is built up from a plain Ubuntu base via the Dockerfile, which is configured to run entrypoint.sh on startup. This script does several things: including downloading the OPA configuration from DAS based on the environment variables, setting up the environment for the sample apps and their dependencies, and launching the sample app, OPA and Redoc (to serve the API documentation). It then launches splitwatcher.sh, which scripts tmux to display panes tail-ing the OPA and sample app logs, and also providing the user with an interactive terminal. In essence, this is a bunch of window dressing on top of running an OPA server and then launching the selected sample app.

The Entitlements Playground

When running the sample application entz-playground, you will be presented with a web UI on the API_PORT port (8123 by default) that will allow you to view in real-time the result of various entitlements requests. The outcome of each request is shown as a separate row, and will update in real-time as you modify the policy in DAS. If you click the caret symbol (>) on the left of a row, it will expand to show you the full JSON response received from OPA for the request, as well as the equivalent curl command to run that request against an instance of OPA configured with your Entitlements policy (e.g. via the "OPA CLI" installation instructions for your Entitlements system in Styra DAS).

You can find an appropriate command to launch the Entitlements Playground in the "Entitlements Playground" installation instructions for your Entitlements system. An example might look like:

docker run \
 -i \
 -p 8080:8080 \
 -p 8123:8123 \
 -e SAMPLE_APP=entz-playground \
 -e DOCS_PORT=8080 \
 -e API_PORT=8123 \
 -e DAS_URL='https://CHANGEME.styra.com/' \
 -t styra/entitlements-samples:latest

The Entitlements Playground includes a few example requests by default, which are designed to work with the sample data provided with the Entitlements system type. The default requests are as follows:

Subject Action Resource
alice GET /cars
bob GET /cars/car0
bob POST /cars

From top to bottom, these correspond to the following curl commands, if you were to run them against a local OPA instance configured according to the "OPA CLI" installation instructions for your Entitlements system:

  • curl -LSs -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"input":{"subject":"alice","resource":"/cars","action":"GET"}}' http://localhost:8181/v1/data/main/main
  • curl -LSs -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"input":{"subject":"bob","resource":"/cars/car0","action":"GET"}}' http://localhost:8181/v1/data/main/main
  • curl -LSs -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"input":{"subject":"bob","resource":"/cars","action":"POST"}}' http://localhost:8181/v1/data/main/main
  • curl -LSs -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"input":{"resource":"/entz-playground/buttons/edit"}}' http://localhost:8181/v1/data/main/main
  • curl -LSs -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"input":{"resource":"/entz-playground/buttons/copy"}}' http://localhost:8181/v1/data/main/main
  • curl -LSs -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"input":{"resource":"/entz-playground/buttons/remove"}}' http://localhost:8181/v1/data/main/main


Once you have merged new work in a pull request, to create a new Docker image you just need to add a new tag (git tag ...) where you bump the latest version by the lowest octet, then push that tag to the repo (git push --tags origin main).