
iOS Keychain manager written with dream to ease saving secure info.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift Package Manager compatible License

This library allows you simply and fast deal with Keychain.


Add import KeychainManager to your source code.

Save values

Since the library uses Generic types, you can pass as a parameter any values that are signed under the Codable protocol.


All functions above return Bool value as a result.

  • String:
KeychainManager.save(value: "SuperSecretInfo", key: "SomeSecretKey")
  • Int:
KeychainManager.save(value: 2021, key: "Year")
  • Bool:
KeychainManager.save(value: true, key: "Status")
  • Custom Types:
class BearerResponse: Codable {
    var accesToken: String?
    var refreshToken: String?

let bearer = BearerResponse()
bearer.accesToken = "some-acces-token"
bearer.refreshToken = "some-refresh-token"

KeychainManager.save(value: bearer, key: "tokenData")
Use completions:
KeychainManager.save(value: "Info", key: "key") {
        // succes
} failure: status in 
       // failure

Get values

Library provides two types of get functions.


In this case, you need to cast the type of the function result yourself.

let someText = KeychainManager.get(forKey: "SomeSecretKey") as? String


KeychainManager.get(forKey: "SomeSecretKey") { (obj) in
       // succes, type of obj == Any?
} failure: {
       // failure 

And the second function accepts the type of object in parameters.

let someInt = KeychainManager.get(forKey: "Year", asType: Int.self) // return Int?


KeychainManager.get(forKey: "Year ", asType: Int.self) { (obj) in
       // succes , type of obj == Int?
} failure: {
       // failure

Update values

Returns Bool as result.

KeychainManager.update(value: "2077", forKey: "Year")


KeychainManager.update(value: "2077", forKey: "Year") {
        // succes
} failure: { status in
       // failure

Remove values

KeychainManager.erase(key: "Year")


KeychainManager.erase(key: "Year") {
       // succes
 } failure: { status in
      // failure
To remove all Keychain info use:


Swift Package Manager

You can use Swift Package Manager to install KeychainManager using Xcode:

  1. Open your project in Xcode
  2. Click "File" -> "Swift Packages" -> "Add Package Dependency..."
  3. Paste the following URL: https://github.com/Echobird/KeychainManager
  4. Click "Next" -> "Next" -> "Finish"


  1. Deal with Advanced Mode
  2. Allow Installation via CocoaPods, Carthage
  3. Some small refactor