
Yet another neat ghost theme

Primary LanguageVue


Yet another neat ghost theme.


  • Elaborately and carefully crafted.
  • Supports CJK.
  • Supports Outline feature.
  • Supports Syntax Highlighting, LaTeX Mathematical Expressions.
  • Supports built-in Like and Comments feature (Kaede API Server should be installed).
  • Supports built-in Bookmark feature.


Top Screenshot

Bottom Screenshot

You can view the full screenshot at here.
Or you may visit my blog


Download Kaede in releases.
To use Kaede, you should read Configuration section carefully and set some variables.


You can set up Kaede by adding Code Injection. Please add script tag in the Site Header of Code Injection like this code and follow this guide.


API Integration

You should set up Ghost Integration in order to use this theme.

  1. Please go to the Integrations section in Ghost Settings.
  2. Please click Add custom integration link. Name as Kaede and click next.
  3. Please copy the Content API Key.
  4. Set $KaedeGhostApiKey variable as the Content API Key like this.
	window.$KaedeGhostApiKey = "YOUR CONTENT API KEY HERE";

Kaede API Integration

Also, Like and Comment features need the Kaede API Server to be running.
If you don't need the feature, you may skip here.

  1. Please install Kaede API Server using the Docker.
  2. Set $KaedeApiServer as the server url like this.
	// ... other configs
	window.$KaedeApiServer = "https://kaede.nenw.dev";


Kaede has two types of navigation. One is desktop navigation and the another is list navigation.

Desktop Navigation List Navigation
Desktop Navigation List Navigation

As you can see, the desktop navigation should be kept as small as possible because it can overflow on small screen. (Actually, it is hidden on mobile devices.)

The desktop navigation is retrieved from ghost Navigation settings.
And the list navigation is retrieved from $KaedeFullNavigation if possible. Otherwise, it is same as the desktop navigation.

The list navigation of the screenshot is from this code:

window.$KaedeFullNavigation = [
	{ label: "홈", url: "/" },
	{ label: "네누 개발생활" },
	{ label: "개발", url: "/tag/development", children: [
		{ label: "웹", url: "/tag/web" },
		{ label: "작업", url: "/tag/works" }
	] },
	{ label: "네누 개인생활" },
	{ label: "일상", url: "/tag/nichijou", children: [
		{ label: "여행", url: "/tag/travel", children: [
			{ label: "일본 여행", url: "/tag/travel-to-japan" }
		] },
		{ label: "취미", children: [
			{ label: "애니", url: "/tag/anime" },
			{ label: "우타이테", url: "/tag/utaite" }
		] }
	] },
	{ label: "게임", children: [
		{ label: "마인크래프트", url: "/tag/minecraft" }
	] }

As you can notice, the $KaedeFullNavigation is array of items.
Each item has label, url (optional) and children (optional) properties.
The children is also array of items.


	label: string
	url?: string
	children?: Item[]

Featured Tags

In Kaede, you can highlight some tags in mainpage.

window.$KaedeFeaturedTags = {
	name: '개발 포스트',
	include: [ 'development', 'javascript', 'nas', 'projects', 'server', 'shovel', 'web-2' ],
	preferFeatured: true
  • name: string value that appear main page.
  • include: string array. Kaede show your posts that include them.
  • exclude: vice versa
  • preferFeatured: if this option is true, Kaede show featured tagged posts first


There are other options you can edit.

Option Name Description
$KaedeGhostApiKey necessary API Key of ghost. For detail, please refer to API Integration section.
$KaedeApiServer URL of Kaede Api Server
$KaedeBookmarkEnabled If this value is true, the bookmark feature is enabled.
$KaedeCommentsMaxAuthor Maximum length of author name in comments.
$KaedeCommentsMaxContent Maximum length of content of comments.
$KaedeFullNavigation Navigation of ghost blog. For detail, please refer to Navigation section.
$KaedeFeaturedTags Tags to feature on main page. For detail, please refer to Featured Tags section.


You can customize default Kaede settings by modifying CSS variable. Kaede settings are editable via Code Injection in Ghost settings.


  1. Find your desired font in Google Fonts and add Embed Font section in Code Injection header.
  2. Remember the font-family in Specify in CSS section.
  3. Add following code to the Code Injection header. (You should override with !important as css files are lazy loaded.)
	:root {
		--font-ui: "YOUR UI FONT HERE", sans-serif !important;
		--font-title: "YOUR TITLE FONT HERE", sans-serif !important;
		--font-sans: "YOUR SANS-SERIF FONT HERE", sans-serif !important;
		--font-content: "YOUR CONTENT FONT HERE", sans-serif !important;
		--font-content-title: "YOUR CONTENT-TITLE FONT HERE", sans-serif !important;
		--font-code: "YOUR CODE FONT HERE", monospace !important;
  1. Replace the texts into font-family name of your desired font.


WARNING: This is NOT RECOMMENDED to change grey and background colors as some colors are not updated well.
There are some variables for colors. You can change it into your desired color.

	:root {
		 * color code: r g b
		 * example: 0, 125, 255 -> #007DFF
		--foreground-400: 44, 141, 135 !important;
		--foreground-850: 216, 243, 237 !important;

		--background-400: 239, 235, 221 !important;

		--red-300: 233, 72, 72 !important;
		--red-400: 235, 87, 87 !important;
		--red-500: 235, 95, 95 !important;

		--yellow-800: 253, 255, 182 !important;

		--grey-050: 0, 0, 0 !important;
		--grey-100: 32, 32, 32 !important;
		--grey-200: 59, 59, 59 !important;
		--grey-300: 74, 74, 74 !important;
		--grey-700: 202, 202, 202 !important;
		--grey-800: 225, 225, 225 !important;
		--grey-850: 241, 242, 243 !important;
		--grey-900: 255, 255, 255 !important;

if you want to make colors difference by theme, add suffix like -dark or -light


	:root {
		/* original variable name is --foreground-400 */
		--foreground-400-dark: 44, 141, 135 !important;

		/* original variable name is --yellow-800 */
		--yellow-800-light: 253, 255, 182 !important;