
Strips away blocks to reveal the underground world gen. A must have tool for all map-makers, pack-makers or developers.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT




World Stripper is a utility mod that allows you to strip away the terrain to view the underground world generation. The mod is small and lightweight with a jar size of 50KB. Super useful if you are a pack developer and need to test world gen for your pack or you just can't seem to find the ores your looking for. Pretty much a must have tool for all map-makers, pack-makers and developers.


To add World Stripper to your development environment you need to add the following codeblocks to your projects build.gralde file.

You can use https://www.cursemaven.com/ to add World Stripper to your development workspace by:

Code to add to build.gradle

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://www.cursemaven.com"
        content {
            includeGroup "curse.maven"
dependencies {
    implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:worldstripper-250603:FileID")

FileID can be found by going to https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/world-stripper/files and click the build you are looking for.
The ID is the numbers in the end of the build URL as seen in the image below:


Builds can be found by clicking here!


I want to give my friend Moze_Intel a huge shout out for creating the original strippermod_4.20 back in Minecraft 1.6 / 1.7