A pkhex plugin with several function. "make pokemon looks more real" 使用方法见wiki
Credits (in no particular order)
Manu098vm (https://github.com/Manu098vm/SVResearches) (https://github.com/Manu098vm/Tera-Finder)
PiousVenom (https://github.com/PiousVenom/PKHeX-Plugin-RandomDates)
foohyfooh (https://github.com/foohyfooh/PKHeXInsertionPlugin)
Wang.Song BDSPRoaming (https://github.com/g0dw5)
Caleeeeeeeeeeeee PIDFinder 猎游者 (https://github.com/ca1e/PIDFinder)
Easy World (https://github.com/easyworld)
CScorpion-h (https://github.com/CScorpion-h)
foohyfooh PKHeXSortingPlugin (https://github.com/foohyfooh/PKHeXSortingPlugin)
Leanny PKHeXSortingPlugin (https://github.com/Leanny/PKHeX_Raid_Plugin)
Bill Young, Mike Suleski, and Andrew Ringer for [RNGReporter] (https://github.com/Slashmolder/RNGReporter) (https://github.com/Slashmolder/lrng)
chiizu for PPRNG (https://github.com/chiizu/PPRNG)
wwwwwwzx for 3DSRNG Tool (https://github.com/wwwwwwzx/3DSRNGTool)
kwsch for providing the IPlugin interface in PKHeX. (https://github.com/kwsch)
berichan for adding USB-Botbase support to LiveHeX. (https://github.com/berichan)
soopercool101 for many improvements to Smogon StrategyDex imports and various other fixes. (https://github.com/soopercool101)
Lusamine for all the help with stress testing the code with wacky sets! (https://github.com/Lusamine)
ReignOfComputer for the sets found in [RoCs-PC] (https://github.com/ReignOfComputer) which are used for unit testing. (https://github.com/ReignOfComputer/RoCs-PC)
TORNADO for help with test cases.
Rino6357 and crzyc for initial help with the Wiki. (https://github.com/Rino6357) (https://github.com/crzyc)
hp3721 for help with adding localization based on PKHeX's implementation. (https://github.com/hp3721)
Bappsack for his help on Discord in voice chats! (https://github.com/Bappsack)
chenzw95 for help with integration. (https://github.com/chenzw95)
BernardoGiordano for many ideas on improving speed. (https://github.com/BernardoGiordano)
olliz0r for developing and maintaining sys-botbase as well which is necessary for LiveHeX to work. (https://github.com/olliz0r)
SteveCookTU and [olliz0r] for [LedyLib] from which a lot of the NTR processing code is liberally referenced. (https://github.com/olliz0r) (https://github.com/SteveCookTU) (https://github.com/olliz0r/Ledybot/tree/master/LedyLib)
fishguy6564 for creating USB-Botbase (by extending sys-botbase). (https://github.com/fishguy6564)
FlatIcon for their icons. Author credits (Those Icons, Pixel perfect). (https://www.flaticon.com/)
Project Pokémon for their Mystery Gift Event Gallery. (https://github.com/projectpokemon/)
The PokemonRNG team for various contributions and research (zaksabeast, EzPzstreamz, Shiny_Sylveon, Vlad, Feder)
Other great people for various help and research (OmegaDonut, Bond697, Kaphotics, SciresM, Zari, amab, Marin, Lean, etc)
And all the countless users who have helped improve this project with ideas and suggestions!