
Sua Música Linter

Primary LanguageDart


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This package provides a set of lint rules for Dart and Flutter projects from Sua Música; providing a standard for code style, quality and consistent rules between internal and external projects.


All rules can be found in the Linter rules section from Dart documentation; in this case, we use a part of them.


Add this package to your dev_dependencies in your pubspec.yaml:

  sm_linter: ^1.0.0

Or run the following command:

# flutter
flutter pub add --dev sm_linter

# dart
dart pub add --dev sm_linter

And the following to your analysis_options.yaml:

  include: package:sm_linter/analysis_options.yaml


To suppress a rule, add the following comment to the line you want to suppress:

// ignore: rule_name - to suppress a single line
// ignore_for_file: rule_name - to suppress a whole file