

Add a new section for vegetables under "Products" so that users can buy vegetables.

Try to do this programmatically.

Hint 1: Start with the HTML, using the available fruit section for reference.

Hint 2: The data for fruit is around line 32. The data for vegetables is around line 42.

Hint 3: All of the Javascript for programmatically creating the fruit section is inside initializeProducts.

Getting the assignment

Fork this repository

Install Prettier for VSCode

Completing the assignment

Make sure to commit your changes as you're making progress on the assignment. You'll receive feedback on the commit messages. Remember, commit messages should be short and sweet, in present-tense with an imperative tone. For example:

rename cart variable


  • Google as much as you can, using the keywords you've learned. For example, search "how to create HTML from javascript" or "what is javascript forEach" or "what is javascript dataset". MDN is a great keyword to include in your searches for reference materal, for example "MDN javascript array".
  • Don't be afraid to commit code that's not working yet.
  • Don't get discouraged if you can't get it to work--focus on reading the existing code and making your best guess at what the code might look like.

The "answers"

See possible solution