
Harvard CS50 Subtitles Translation

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Harvard CS50 Subtitles Translation

When I want to teach my son programming, which book is good for a teenage boy?

Some famous programming book? C Programming Language, Thinking in Java, I dont't think it's good idea. The books are too serious, and he is the video-generation, and search everything in video platform, like Youtube and Bilibili, read book is too boring at the start.

Some online programming website for kids, it's very fun but a little naive for teenager. I tried for him.

Last semester, I and him learn a programming course from Khan Academy. We drawing by Processing, and try some HTML & CSS fundmental.

I find some for the next until I met Harvad CS50, it's the most popular programing course for undergraduate without any programming experience.

CS50x is basic lectures, but CS50 for Python is good one for us, also by David Malan's advice.

Quote from CS50 Python 2022 offical website Whereas CS50x itself focuses on computer science more generally as well as programming with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript, this course, aka CS50P, is entirely focused on programming with Python. You can take CS50P before CS50x, during CS50x, or after CS50x. But for an introduction to computer science itself, you should still take CS50x!

I choose CS50 for Python for next semester. There're video(streaming and MP4 download), transcripts, subtitles, problem sets and more.

But my boy's English is not good to learn from video. I could do something to help him. It's the reason of this projects, we do our best on translation with API and hands, merge lecture video with translated subtitle, upload to video platform for more people.

If you learn CS50, welcome to join.