A custom view to create a FloatingActionButton for both Android and iOS as part of Material Design
- 2
FAB's size is shrunk when resume the app
#31 opened by tonholis - 2
not circular button
#33 opened by robertorp - 8
- 8
Button looks mashed together
#14 opened by NPadrutt - 7
Failed to add reference
#19 opened by Altevir - 2
When building.. "skipping.. please check that your nuget package versions are compatiable"
#29 opened by Wone60131874 - 2
Crash on Android 4.x
#10 opened by gabrielrvd - 0
How to set resource embedded for image?
#32 opened by robertorp - 4
Press event not working?
#30 opened by kineese - 1
I did have this working but now am stuck :(
#28 opened by TechGuyGeek - 3
Floating Popup Menu
#25 opened by npagare - 2
Xamarin Forms 3.0.1
#23 opened by bcaceiro - 2
Final Release of FAB 2018.3.1-pre1
#26 opened by npagare - 1
Project can't be opened in VS 15.8.1 - "SuaveControls.FloatingActionButton.NuGet.nuproj"
#27 opened by npagare - 6
No image showing in the Android Section
#22 opened by esolzDotnet - 2
Absolute Layout example
#24 opened by jon-peel - 3
You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with the design library
#21 opened by NPadrutt - 1
Change the image size when the fab button heightrequest or widthrequest changes to smaller
#17 opened by mcferdev - 1
FAB on iOS has fixed size
#11 opened by jgasiorowski - 1
Turn the button into a menu composed of FAB
#15 opened by antferr - 3
FAB is not a circle but a rectangle
#20 opened by NiWe90 - 7
- 1
Put a Label on the side of the FabButton
#16 opened by mcferdev - 4
float button border radius can not control
#13 opened by shalinasanga - 3
Can not install on PCL profile259
#12 opened by shalinasanga - 7
Circular Dependency in NuGet Package
#9 opened by dagostinelli - 4
Can it Works on UWP?
#1 opened by iCCat001 - 2
You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with the design library.
#6 opened by TimBarton - 9
Button color not set
#5 opened by nuwankarunapala - 3
FAB Button square in shape
#2 opened by shreyans-wakekar - 3
[Request] Example List view
#3 opened by welcometoall - 4