
Julia port of MATLAB ClusDoC project

Primary LanguageJulia


Julia port and extension of the MATLAB-based ClusDoC project: (https://github.com/PRNicovich/ClusDoC)


  1. Install Julia (https://julialang.org/downloads/)
  2. Open Julia terminal
  3. Type ] to access the package manager prompt
  4. Type add https://github.com/BioTurboNick/ClusDoC.jl and hit enter to install this package
  5. Backspace to return to the main prompt

Note: Highly recommend setting the default number of threads Julia uses to at least 2.


  1. Open Julia terminal
  2. Type using ClusDoC and hit enter to load this package
  3. Type clusdoc() and hit enter to load the GUI
  4. Click "Input Files" to select one or more localization list text files to load (currently supported: Nikon Elements output)
  5. Click "Output Folder" to choose the folder that the ClusDoC Results output folder will be created in.
  6. Once both Input Files and Output Folder are selected, images are generated.
  7. Optional: Use the controls to add one or more ROIs by clicking to add a point and double-clicking to complete the polygon. Click inside an ROI to select it for deletion. ROIs may be saved in a text file to the chosen output directory or loaded from elsewhere. ROIs are keyed to the image file names.
  8. Optional: Change the colors for each channel using the color controls. Each change will regenerate the images.
  9. Optional: Use the Settings button to adjust the DoC and DBSCAN clustering settings.
  10. Start the analysis with the Run button. Progress will be printed in the terminal window.


  • roicoordinates.txt containing the ROI shapes
  • Excel (*.xlsx) files for each source image; these contain the main calculated values.
  • Julia data (*.jld2) files for each source image; these contain the raw cluster and localization data which may be used for custom downstream analysis. The load_raw_results(path) function may be used to load them.
  • Image (*.png) files for each source image showing the whole field of localizations; this is the image shown in the ROI picker.
  • cluster maps contains images of localizations for each ROI and channel showing all the identified clusters and excluded points
  • doc histograms contains frequency distributions of the DoC scores for the localizations in each ROI.
  • doc maps contains images of localizations for each ROI and channel showing the DoC scores by color.
  • localization maps contains images of localizations for each ROI and channel.

NOTE: There are some variations in calculations between this version and the MATLAB version. For example, the MATLAB version would use a square ROI area, rather than the computed polygon area. For a more impactful example, the MATLAB version used a separate number of points per cluster cutoff when reporting DBSCAN cluster results, but not when reporting the colocalized/noncolocalized cluster subsets. In this version, both apply the cutoff for consistency.


  • If you encounter an error, you may need to restart the Julia session.
  • There is currently an issue on some Mac computers where the file selection dialog is broken. Instead, you could collect a list of file paths separated by quotation marks and spaces and paste it into the box. E.g. "/path/to/file1.txt" "/path/to/file2.txt"