
Analysis on cryptocurrency data

Primary LanguagePython



  • Python 3.7
  • Pandas 0.24.2
  • Tabulate 0.8.3
  • PyYAML 5.1.1

How to run

  • Configure configurations.yml as required. Make sure the api.key attribute is set.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Execute python run.py.

Sample run output

nader$ python3 run.py
[2019-07-13 03:02:25] Starting CryptoAnalyzer..
[2019-07-13 03:02:25] Loading data from API..
[2019-07-13 03:02:29] Loaded data successfully.
[2019-07-13 03:02:30] Saved raw CSV data to data/raw/BTC_USD_20190713.csv
[2019-07-13 03:02:30] Computing weekly mean prices..
[2019-07-13 03:02:30] Saved weekly means CSV data to data/analysis/BTC_USD_weekly_means_20190713.csv
[2019-07-13 03:02:30] Finding the first 1 week(s) with highest relative span values..
[2019-07-13 03:02:30] The week(s) with highest relative span values are as follows, in descending order:
| week_start          |   relative_span |
| 2018-02-05 00:00:00 |        0.473682 |
[2019-07-13 03:02:30] Done. Exiting..