
Sample configuration using Google Cloud Storage as a container volume on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageDockerfile

GCSFuse storage for containers

This directory contains a sample deployment using Google Cloud Storage as a multi RW file system that can be mounted from different containers.

The deployment file contains the required configuration for a container to start with a Google Cloud Storage bucket mounted in a given path.

The most note worthy parts of the configuration are the following:

  privileged: true
      - SYS_ADMIN

For the container to have access to /dev/fuse it has to run with SYS_ADMIN capabilities.

      command: ["gcsfuse", "-o", "nonempty", "test-bucket", "/mnt/test-bucket"]
      command: ["fusermount", "-u", "/mnt/test-bucket"]

As no real Kubernetes volumes are really involved, the whole thing can be implemented by using lifecycle directives, a postStart will mount the gcsfuse volume and a preStop will unmount it.

The big catch is that for this to work, the container has to be built with gcsfuse. The Dockerfile includes a base build for debian jessie.

Unfortunately as the the gcsfuse does not sync the files, it is not possible to share the file system with other containers in the pod via a volumes[].emptyDir.{} directive.


https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gcs-fuse https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcsfuse https://karlstoney.com/2017/03/01/fuse-mount-in-kubernetes/