
🍸 Digital Collections Framework

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


🍸 Digital Collections Framework

Transform your collection into a beautiful website ✨

Tonic parses your collection, defined in a YAML or JSON file, and automatically generates a customizable static website to explore your collection in a smart way, with a lot of filtering and sorting options.

Built with: Middleman, Ralix, Tailwind

🌐 Live demo



  • Ruby
  • Yarn

Clone/fork this repository (or use the GitHub template button), then cd into the folder and run:

> bin/setup


Start the development server by:

> bin/dev

Or compile the site (into the build/ folder) by:

> bin/build


Define your collection in the data/collection.yaml file. Example:

- name: Item 1
  description: Ad aut libero. Adipisci asperiores repudiandae. Sunt expedita sunt.
  category: Marketing
    - tag1
    - tag2
  price: 99.9
  downloads: 400
  published_at: "2021-06-10"
- name: Item 2
  description: Incidunt cupiditate rerum. Enim quo pariatur. Commodi provident dolores.
  category: Accounting
    - tag2
  price: 149.9
  downloads: 100
  published_at: "2022-09-01"

The string attributes can contain HTML:

description: |
  <p>This thing is fantastic!</p>
  <p>Check out <b>more information</b> in the <a href="/about">following section</a></p>

You can also use a JSON file (data/collection.json), as the following example:

    "name": "Item 1",
    "description": "Ad aut libero. Adipisci asperiores repudiandae. Sunt expedita sunt.",
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
    "price": 99.9
    "name": "Item 2",
    "description": "Incidunt cupiditate rerum. Enim quo pariatur. Commodi provident dolores.",
    "tags": ["tag2"],
    "price": 149.9

Remote Collection

You can also fetch your collection from a remote resource. To do so, you should define the remote_collection setting in the configuration file:

remote_collection: https://example.com/collection.json

Nested attributes

Your items can have nested attributes too:

- name: Leanne Graham
  email: leanne_graham@example.com
    street: Kulas Light
    city: Gwenborough
    zipcode: 92998-3874
      lat: -37.3159
      lng: 81.1496

Magic attributes

Some names help Tonic to automatically render your items (and its related filters) as beautiful as possible by default:

  • name (required! should be unique!)
  • description
  • category
  • tags (shoud be an array)
  • images (shoud be an array)

More ✨ rules:

  • Automatic 🎬 video embeds from urls (YouTube, Vimeo and more).
  • Audio ⏯️ player for audio files.
  • If the attribute name ends with _at (published_at, updated_at, ...), it's automatically parsed as 📅 date.
  • The detail_page_link attribute makes the detail page to 🏃 jump to an external page, see more.


Configure your site via the data/config.yaml file. All options:

# Main settings
title: My Collection
description: |
  Welcome to my <u>awesome</u> collection!<br>
  More information in the <a href="#">following section</a>.
remote_collection: https://example.com/collection.json
detail_pages: true

# Style/UI
main_color: "#0891b2"
background_color: "#e0f2fe"
font_family: "Fira Sans"
logo: "/images/logo.png"
  - text: About Us
    url: '/about'
  - text: Contact
    url: '/contact'
footer_content: Follow us on <a href="#">Twitter</a> and <a href="#">Instagram</a>
hide_filters: false
hide_sorting: false
hide_sharing: false
  - facebook
  - twitter
  - whatsapp
  - email
item_card_image: true

# Sorting
  default_order: "price desc"
    - clicks

# Filters
    category: text
    status: radio_buttons
    - summary
    - long_description

Detail pages

If disabled, detail pages won't be generated. Remember you can link to an external page by defining the detail_page_link attribute in any of the items of your collection.

- name: Awesome Product
  description: This product is fantastic!
  price: 99.9
  detail_page_link: https://my-shop.com/product/awesome-product

If you only want to customize how they look, you can do it by editing the HTML template, check the Advanced customization section.

Font family

You can use remote fonts from Google Fonts by adding the family name in the font_family option:

font_family: "Fira Sans" # other examples: Lato, Roboto, Oswald, Montserrat, ...


If you want to customize the available sharing options, you should use the sharing_platforms option passing an array.

By default, the supported platforms are: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Whatsapp, Telegram and Email.


By default, the name attribute and all integer attributes are used to build the sorting options.

Available options:

  • default_order By default: "name asc".
  • exclude Exclude attributes from sorting options.


Tonic analyzes your collection (especially the 1st item) to infer the best option given the attribute type and other parameters (like number of unique values). It can be overridden in case you want a different filter type for X reasons.

Available options:

  • type Forces an attribute to render a specific filter type. Available types:
    • text
    • select
    • radio_buttons
    • numeric_range
    • numeric_select_range
    • date_range
    • tags
    • boolean
  • exclude Exclude attributes from filters.

Advanced customization

If you want to fully customize your Tonic instance, you can do it by editing the files under the source/* folder.

For example, if you want to customize the auto-generated HTML for your items, you can do it by editing these files:

NOTE In both templates you can use the item object to access any attribute: item.name, item.description, etc.

You can also add more pages to your Tonic site by just adding HTML templates (*.html.erb) under the source/* directory. After all, Tonic uses Middleman under the hood, so you can even use Markdown and/or many other template engines.


Copyright (c) Subgin. Tonic is released under the MIT License.