
The Comment Web Application is a simple web platform that allows users to interact with comments. Users are required to enter their name to access the comments section, where they can add, edit, and delete comments. Additionally, users can reply to existing comments, fostering interactive discussions.

Tech Stacks

1. HTML:

Used for structuring the web pages and creating user interfaces.

2. CSS:

Utilized for styling the user interface, providing a visually appealing experience.

3. JavaScript:

Used for dynamic behavior, interactivity, and handling user actions.

4. React.js:

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, providing a smooth and efficient user experience.

5. React Router DOM:

A library for routing in React applications, enabling navigation between different components/pages.

Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository:

git clone cd comment-web-app

2. Install Dependencies::

npm install

3. Run the Application:

npm start


1. Enter Your Name:

When you access the application, you will be prompted to enter your name.

2. Comments Section:

After entering your name, you will be redirected to the comments section.

3. Add a Comment:

Click on the "Add Comment" button to create a new comment.

4. Edit a Comment:

Hover over your comment and click on the "Edit" button to modify your comment.

5. Delete a Comment:

Hover over your comment and click on the "Delete" button to remove your comment.

6. Reply to a Comment:

Click on the "Reply" button below a comment to reply to it, fostering discussions.