
Chatbot web app + HTTP endpoint for BLOOM-176B inference with the Petals client

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Petals Chat

A chat web app + a HTTP endpoint for BLOOM inference with the Petals client

Interactive Chat

You can try it out here or host the backend on your servers using these commands:

git clone https://github.com/borzunov/petals-chat.git
cd petals-chat
pip install -r requirements.txt
gunicorn app:app --bind --threads 10 --timeout 900

Note: It is important to use --threads (not --workers), so reusing inference sessions works correctly.

HTTP API Methods

If you develop your own web app, you can use our endpoint at http://chat.petals.ml/api/v1/... for research and development, then set up your own backend for production using the commands above. Requirements for the backend:

  • For the generation speed of 1-2 sec/token, you need one of the following:

    • A GPU server with 10+ GB GPU VRAM
    • A CPU-only server with 20+ GB RAM (in this case, set TORCH_DTYPE=torch.float32 in app.py)
    • A CPU-only server with 10+ GB RAM and AVX512 support
      • Present on late Intel Xeon CPUs, e.g., on DigitalOcean droplets with a dedicated CPU
    • In future, we may implement using faiss for generation. This would allow to use any CPU-only server with 8+ GB RAM for fast approximate greedy and top-k generation.
  • For the generation speed of 3-4 sec/token, you need:

    • A CPU-only server with 10+ GB RAM

Note: We do not recommend using the endpoint at http://chat.petals.ml/api/v1/... in production. It has a limited throughput, and we may pause or stop it any time.

POST /api/v1/generate


  • inputs (optional) - New user inputs. May be omitted if you continue generation in an inference session (see below).
  • do_sample (optional) - If 0 (default), runs greedy generation. If 1, performs sampling with parameters below.
  • temperature (optional)
  • top_k (optional)
  • top_p (optional)
  • max_length - Max length of generated text (including prefix) in tokens.
  • max_new_tokens - Max number of newly generated tokens (excluding prefix).
  • session_id (optional) - UUID of an inference session opened earlier (see methods below). This allows you to continue generation later without processing prefix from scratch.


  • You need to specify either max_length or max_new_tokens.
  • If you'd like to solve downstream tasks in the zero-shot mode, start with do_sample=0 (default).
  • If you'd like to make a chat bot or write a long text, start with do_sample=1, temperature=0.75, top_p=0.9 (tuning these params may help).

Returns (JSON):

  • ok (bool)
  • outputs (str)
  • traceback (str) - the Python traceback if ok == False

GET /api/v1/open_inference_session


  • max_length (required)

Returns (JSON):

  • ok (bool)
  • session_id (str) - UUID of the opened session
  • traceback (str) - the Python traceback if ok == False

GET /api/v1/close_inference_session


  • session_id (required)

Returns (JSON):

  • ok (bool)
  • traceback (str) - the Python traceback if ok == False