Webapp is live here
- ReacJS
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Socket.io
- Material UI
- Login Page.
- Chat window template.
- List of users(Conversations).
- Set active conversation.
- Render particular user's chats.
- Create new message form.
- Connect backend.
- Setup socket IO Client.
- Add Emotes.
- Change the color scheme.
- Fetch users fom db.
- Change the msg background and font colors.
- Set up socket IO 'msg-sent', 'msg-pending', and 'msg-not-sent' events.
- Separate icons for msg statuses.
- Responsiveness.
- Back Button in mobile view.
- Add date.
- Select a message.
- Dropdown on a message.
- Align checkboxes, online status dot!
- Delete a message.
- Delete a whole convo (functionality of 3 dots).
- Message notifications.
- Forward a message.
- Identify the type of user, i.e, Learner/Educator/Institute.
- Create a group conversation.
- Create a Mongo DB cluster.
- Create placeholder users DB.
- Create placeholder chats DB.
- Setup Socket IO server.
- Online user communication.
- Implement Wait Queues for offline users.
- Connect to mongoDB cluster.
- Insert new Message into Database.
- Connect to users database.
- Add status field to the chats collection.
- Set up socket IO 'msg-sent', 'msg-pending', and 'msg-not-sent' events.
- Besides flushing messages to a newly logged in user, inform those messages' senders that these messages are now sent.
- Setup Wait queues for socket io events as well.
- Update messages' statuses on the database after flushing them.
- Delete a message.
- Delete a whole convo end-point.
- Message notifications.
- Forward a message.
- Create a group functionality.
- Add users to group.
- Differentiate sent, pending and unset message.
- Differentiate between active and inactive(offline) users.
- Differentiate read and unread messages.