
No icon for TOML files

nicknack23 opened this issue · 4 comments

I noticed you tweaked the TOML icon in a recent commit, but .toml files still display as an unknown file type for me (i.e. empty gray rectangle). I'm running v3.4.12 in Sublime 3.2.2 on Windows 10.

Icons are assigned by scope. Thus you need a syntax definition which defines the relevant scope and file extension binding.

You may want to install

Thanks. I absolutely don't understand the internals, but would it not be possible to fall back on file extension for unrecognized scopes? Otherwise you have to install a package for every uncommon file type even if you never need syntax highlighting for it.

That's barely possible. The only way to provide such an out-of-box experience was to ship some dummy syntax definitions (that's what A File Icon's alias syntaxes are). Unfortunatelly they tend to override the real syntax definition in case it was present (see #31).

To work around that alias syntaxes would need to be built on demand in case the real package wasn't present. It might be possible but barely worth the efforts, I think. If I work with certain kinds of files, I'd not only want to see icons but also syntax highlighting - eighther per prebaked package or selfmade.

Fixed by 3.15.0 for ST4081+

Won't fix for ST3.