- 2
Add support for bun
#73 opened by mauroreisvieira - 2
- 4
- 4
Can I get your awesome Icons in VSCode?
#40 opened by katerlouis - 3
[Question] Same icon, different colour
#66 opened by mataha - 0
- 2
Extend json icon to jsonc file extension
#63 opened by will-wright-eng - 13
Different icon for hpp?
#51 opened by dortamiguel - 2
Jest configuration files
#62 opened by QuestionMark3 - 3
A few missing icons
#61 opened by christopherpickering - 0
Default Theme displays icons in black
#60 opened by vknell - 5
Unable to apply user preferences
#54 opened by shot-codes - 3
graphql icons not showing
#55 opened by luco - 5
Can you help me add Zig icon ?
#58 opened by lapin00b - 1
Not support .http file icon
#57 opened by jingyuexing - 5
Adding AdonisJS icon
#53 opened by thetutlage - 1
- 1
indexing after restart
#50 opened by mercurykd - 1
Add pawn languange icon
#52 opened by TShoKT - 1
- 1
Problem parsing a syntax for the terraform language
#48 opened by rwols - 2
zzz A File Icon zzz Languages
#47 opened by IPWright83 - 8
Add this icon for Mp3tag web source framework
#46 opened by stephen147 - 0
TailwindCSS icon
#44 opened by mauroreisvieira - 2
- 1
ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
#43 opened by mhoelter - 2
New icon for Qt files
#42 opened by Antatip - 1
New icon: Blender
#41 opened by npanuhin - 1
- 6
- 3
Update json icon
#32 opened by AmjadHD - 4
No icon for TOML files
#34 opened by nicknack23 - 1
Icons in dark themes are darker than the PNGs
#33 opened by nicknack23 - 2
How do you change individual icons?
#35 opened by nicknack23 - 2
no icon for harbour files (*.prg)
#36 opened by jvtecheto - 3
Update the sublime text icon
#30 opened by AmjadHD - 1
Lag after save
#20 opened by jesusferm - 2
- 5
webpack icons only showing with config
#28 opened - 15
- 1
Incorrect icon being used for javascript
#27 opened by KozyWorks - 0
Add icon for F#
#24 opened by oconnor0 - 3
A File Icon + .mdx breaks the global search
#25 opened by kud - 0
Use image icon for WebP images
#22 opened by jwortmann - 2
Dockerfiles comments are not highlighted
#21 opened by evandrocoan - 4
Override icons
#19 opened by trych - 2
- 2
Editor Config Icon
#17 opened by mauroreisvieira - 0
Icon Support TSX
#16 opened by mauroreisvieira - 2