
Customize the package by adding a new icon

ArturoArciniega opened this issue · 6 comments


I'd like to add a icon for .fasta, .fa, .gff3 and .gtf files.
how can I do it?


  1. Add a proper SVG image to icons/svg
  2. Add a proper file_type_... entry in
  3. cd to A File Icon directory
  4. run py build -i -p
  5. run "A File Icon: Revert to Freshly installed state" from ST's command pallete to update the zzz A File Icon zzz folder.


You need cairo library to run the build scripts properly. It may be present on Linux or may be installed via package manager.
I had to find and downlad the binary precompiled cairo.dll for Windows and place it into python's install directory.

An example to see what is needed may be Add ADA Icon commit.

If you have an icon and some info about the syntax or package name, I can add those easily, too. Not a big deal.

Hello again,

It wil be great if you could add the icon.

The icon is here

Information about the file format .fa, .fastq, .fasta, .gff3, .gff, .gtf:

Fastq consists of a defline that contains a read identifier and possibly other information, nucleotide base calls, a second defline, and per-base quality scores, all in text form. There are many variations.

The following terms and formats are defined in general:

  • Identifier and other information: text string terminated by white space
  • Bases: fastq sequence should contain standard base calls (ACTGactg) or unknown bases (Nn) and can vary in length
  • Qualities options:

Decimal-encoding, space-delimited: [0-9]+ | <quality>\s[0-9]+
Phred-33 ASCII: [\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+,\-\.\/0-9:;<=>\?\@A-I]+
Phred-64 ASCII: [\@A-Z\[\\\]\^_a-h]+`

What software use FastQ?

  • Aligners
    • Bowtie, Tophat2
  • Assemblers
    • Velvet, Spades
  • QC tools
    Trimmomatic, FastQC


Do you happen to know whether there is a syntax definition for ST already for such kinds of files?

Until now there's not a Syntax in ST, I use this file format to analyze genomic data. I write scripts in bash and python programming language which have packages to handle this kind of formats.

Ok, so I'll use an alias syntax to open those file as plain text.


Thanks so much!