Deep Embedded Multi-view Clustering with Collaborative Training

Primary LanguagePython

# Accepted by Information Sciences.

# Install Keras v2.0, scikit-learn
# sudo pip install keras scikit-learn

# settings in main.py
  TEST = Ture 
  # when TEST = Ture, the code just test the trained DEMVC model
  train_ae = False 
  # when train_ae = Ture, the code will pre-train the autoencoders first, and the fine-turn the model with DEMVC

  data = 'MNIST_USPS_COMIC'     
  # the tested datasets contain:
  # 'MNIST_USPS_COMIC'        (CAE)
  # 'BDGP'                    (FAE)

# run the code:
  python main.py

# BibTex
  title={Deep embedded multi-view clustering with collaborative training},
  author={Xu, Jie and Ren, Yazhou and Li, Guofeng and Pan, Lili and Zhu, Ce and Xu, Zenglin},
  journal={Information Sciences},