
Re-Do - Facial Recognition, Redaction and Replacement

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Re-Do is a facial recognition, redaction and replacement web application that is free to use.

  • Front-End is built using React
  • Back-End is built using Node.js
  • Express is used for routing and middleware
  • PostgreSQL is used for databasing
  • Final application is hosted on both Heroku and Netlify


  • Create and register accounts
  • Login and use databasing features for facial recognition
  • Facial Recognition allows you to upload an initial photo with a person's face and upload a secondary photo to see if that person is in the image
  • When logged in the Facial Recognition feature allows you store multiple images of a person's face to increase recognition accuracy along with storing faces of multiple people so you can keep a catalog of individuals to recognise
  • The Facial Redaction/Replacement feature allows you to upload 1 or more photos of faces, an image to replace those faces with (if no image is selected for this then the faces are blurred), and a final image to detect and replace those faces.
  • The Facial Redaction/Replacement feature comes with a reverse option to where you can choose if the initial uploaded faces that are detected should be replaced/redacted, or that all faces apart from those should be replace/redacted


Re-Do makes use of a number of different frameworks/packages for full functionality:

  • ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces!
  • Node.js - Evented I/O for the back-end of Re-Do
  • Tachyons - CSS Styling toolkit used for designing the front-end interface
  • Face-API.js - Facial Recognition feature based on Tensorflow.js AAllows for the detection of facial landmarks which are then used to create Facial Recognition matchers for each face for comparisons and recognition
  • JIMP - JIMP is used in the Facial Replacement/Redaction feature to edit uploaded images to blur recognised faces or to blitz the uploaded replacement image of the recognised faces
  • Express - Express is used for the middleware/routing between the front-end and the back-end
  • Canvas - Canvas is used to draw the images to the HTML page along with displaying the recognition results as an overlay on top of the image for the Facial Recognition feature
  • bcrypt - Used for hashing passwords for each registered user in Re-Do
  • Nodemon - Used to test the back-end server during development
  • Knex.js - Node.js SQL Query builder to connect to PostgreSQL database
  • Objection - Node.js SQL ORM used on top of Knex for relational query building
  • Postman - Used for testing API end points during development for the server
  • PostgreSQL - The relational database used to store users, user information, image data and descriptions, and login information
  • Heroku - The cloud platform service used for hosting both the back-end and server
  • Netlify - The cloud platform service used for hosting the front-end. Netlify was chosen over Heroku to resolve CORS issues as Netlify provides a SSL certificate for its hosted site whilst Heroku does not without purchasing their higher tier


Re-Do requires Node.js to run when installing on a personal computer.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ npm install -d
$ node app

For production environments...

$ npm build


  • Write MORE Tests
  • Add in Redux functionality for setting states
  • Add in React-Router for routing instead of using my own routing system
  • Fix some potential Async-Await issues that are occurring on older specced/slower computers
  • Fix some styling issues that are occurring between computers and Firefox/Chrome

c081903... Added public version of repo. Removed a few files for privacy