##MPs’ Degrees

This PHP script:

  • Pulls a list of current MPs from http://www.theyworkforyou.com/
  • Looks up the Wikipedia article for each MP
  • Searches the article’s text for mention of their university, degree and any other occupation
  • Categorises those degrees into one of eighteen groups

See the results of the script here: http://subtleengine.org/2014/06/28/mps-degrees-what-do-they-know/


There's now a similar script for the Lords. See the results here: http://subtleengine.org/2014/11/18/lords-degrees/

This is not elegant or particularly reliable code. Pull requests welcome!

Run the script like this to save the output to a file:

php ./MP_degrees.php > MP_Uni_output.tsv

or use tee to see output while saving to a file:

php ./MP_degrees.php | tee MP_Uni_output.tsv

The script takes a bit over 20 minutes to complete.