
Go SDK for Optimizely

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Optimizely Go SDK

Go Report Card Coverage Status


Install from github:

go get github.com/optimizely/go-sdk

Install from source:

go get github.com/optimizely/go-sdk
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/optimizely/go-sdk
go install

NOTE: We practice trunk-based development, and as such our default branch, master might not always be the most stable. We do tag releases on Github and you can pin your installation to those particular release versions. One way to do this is to use Go Modules for managing external dependencies:

Install using go.mod:

module mymodule

go 1.13

require (
	github.com/optimizely/go-sdk v1.8.3

If you are already using go.mod in your application you can run the following:

go mod edit -require github.com/optimizely/go-sdk@v1.8.3


go get github.com/optimizely/go-sdk/...


go get github.com/optimizely/go-sdk/pkg

will install it as a package to pkg directory, rather than src directory. It could be useful for future development and vendoring.



To start using the SDK, create an instance using our factory method:

import optly "github.com/optimizely/go-sdk"
import "github.com/optimizely/go-sdk/client"

// Simple one-line initialization with the SDK key
client, err := optly.Client("SDK_KEY")

// You can also instantiate with a hard-coded datafile using our client factory method
optimizelyFactory := &client.OptimizelyFactory{
	Datafile: []byte("datafile_string"),

client, err = optimizelyFactory.Client()

Feature Rollouts

import (
  optly "github.com/optimizely/go-sdk"

// instantiate a client
client, err := optly.Client("SDK_KEY")

// User attributes are optional and used for targeting and results segmentation
atributes := map[string]interface{}{
     "state":      "California",
     "likes_donuts": true,
user := optly.UserContext("optimizely end user", attributes)
enabled, _ := client.IsFeatureEnabled("binary_feature", user)


This software is distributed with code from the following open source projects:

murmur3 Copyright 2013, SĂ©bastien Paolacci. License (BSD-3 Clause): https://github.com/twmb/murmur3/blob/master/LICENSE

uuid Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. License (BSD-3 Clause): https://github.com/google/uuid/blob/master/LICENSE

testify Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Mat Ryer and Tyler Bunnell. License (MIT): https://github.com/stretchr/testify/blob/master/LICENSE

json-iterator Copyright (c) 2016 json-iterator License (MIT): https://github.com/json-iterator/go/blob/master/LICENSE

subset Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. License (BSD): https://github.com/facebookarchive/subset/blob/master/license

profile Copyright (c) 2013 Dave Cheney. All rights reserved. License (BSD): https://github.com/pkg/profile/blob/master/LICENSE

sync Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. https://github.com/golang/sync/blob/master/LICENSE