Railway Reservation System

This is a simple Railway Reservation System developed using HTML, CSS, and PHP. This system allows users to book train tickets online, check train schedules, and manage their reservations conveniently.


User Authentication: Users can create accounts, login, and securely manage their reservations. Booking System: Users can search for trains based on their origin and destination, select travel dates, and book tickets for available trains. Ticket Management: Users can view their booked tickets, cancel reservations, and make changes to their bookings. Train Schedule: Users can view the schedule of trains available for booking.

Technologies Used

HTML: Used for creating the structure and content of web pages. CSS: Used for styling the HTML elements and improving the user interface. PHP: Used for server-side scripting, handling form submissions, and interacting with the database. MySQL: Used for storing user data, train schedules, and reservation information.

Setup Instructions

Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using Git:

(git clone https://github.com/your_username/railway-reservation-system.git) Database Setup: Import the provided SQL file (database.sql) into your MySQL database to set up the necessary tables.

Configure Database Connection: Open config.php file and update the database connection details such as hostname, username, password, and database name.

Run the Application: Start your local server (e.g., XAMPP, WAMP) and navigate to the project directory in your web browser.

Create an Account: Register a new account on the system to start booking tickets.