
Basic Example for Client App and Rest API using Spring MVC

Primary LanguageCSS

Restfull Webservices For Crud Operation

Topics Covered

  • This Example covers wriring simple & robust web services using HTTP Methods of GET & POST.
  • Also covers Many To Many Real time example with Annotation.
  • Experience towards loading properties from the configuration file at runtime.
  • Proper way of handling exception & also code clean & maintainance
  • Clinet App for testing the rest services.

Running Spring rest locally

You can then access Restfull here: https://github.com/Sudarshan-Gowda/Spring-Mvc-Rest-API-And-Client-App

In case you find a bug/suggested improvement for Spring Restfull Webservices

Our issue tracker is available here: https://github.com/Sudarshan-Gowda/Spring-Mvc-Rest-API-And-Client-App/issues

Working with Rest in Eclipse


The following items should be installed in your system:

  • Tool - STS(Spring Toot Suite) or Eclipse
  • Server - Apache Tomcat 7
  • Database - MySQL
  • Postman - Optional (Can use client API)


  1. Download this Project and do maven import.
git clone https://github.com/Sudarshan-Gowda/Spring-Mvc-Rest-API-And-Client-App.git
  1. To Import the Praject Using STS or Eclipse.
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven project

Looking for something in particular?

Spring Boot Configuration Class or Java property files
The Main Class RestController
The Client APP RestController
Properties Files application.properties
Data Base Scripts Files scripts.sql
Sample Json sample-json.txt

Steps to test the application:

  1. Once the application is installed properly, Run the application
  2. Once the application is deployed properly, Create schema and execute query into database. For scripts reference use the link scripts.sql
  3. Find the below exposed urls to test the application.
    a. To fetch all the course details
    b. To fetch the course details by id
    c. To register the student (POST Method)
    	"student": {
    		"stdEmail": "Jennifer@gmail.com"
    d. To Opt/subscribe the Student Id with Course (POST Method)
    e. To fetch all Course and Student details
    f. To remove or delete the Student from the course (POST Method)

User reference or guide.

  1. Application Landing Page: [click here] (https://github.com/Sudarshan-Gowda/Spring-Mvc-Rest-API-And-Client-App/blob/master/docs/picture1.png)

  2. Client App Result Page: [click here] (https://github.com/Sudarshan-Gowda/Spring-Mvc-Rest-API-And-Client-App/blob/master/docs/picture9.png)


The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports, features requests and submitting pull requests.