
About The Project


This project was part of the minor-project submitted to Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, IOE, Thapathali Campus, in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

The goal of this Project was to answer the following questions:

  • How can we solve common game-programming problems, such as collision, and level generation?
  • How can we implement certain specific graphical effects in a visually pleasing, yet efficient manner?
  • How do we collaborate as a group of four members on the same software? How do we select which features to implement, and which to skip, with regrads to the time constraint set on the project?

Built With

  • SFML -to ease the development of games and multimedia applications

Getting Started

How to use this project?

search for .exe file

cd /Spaceshooter/Release/

open the .exe file



  • Press 'a' key to move left
  • Press 'd' key to move right
  • Press 'w' key to move up
  • Press 's' key to move down
  • Right click mouse to shoot laser
  • Hover mouse to rotate spaceship
