BloodBank Management Using Blockchain

Technologies 🛠️

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Solidity
  • Truffle
  • MetaMask
  • Ganache
  • Web3

Installation 💻

  1. Download and Install Node.js and Ganache

  2. Download MetaMask Extension

  3. Install truffle globally

    npm install -g truffle
  4. Clone the GitHub Repoaitory

    git clone
  5. Install dependencies

    npm install
  6. Open Ganache and create a local blockchain with "New Workspace" option.

  7. Add Ganache as a new network and add Ganache users' wallet to MetaMask and use the platform.

  8. Compile the Smart Contracts

    truffle compile
  9. Migrate the Smart Contract to the Blockchain

    truffle migrate
  10. Run Node.js Server

    node server.js