How to run the code Unzip the file This is a java program Open in eclipse Work Distribution " 140552F-R.S.Samarawickrama : Designing the algorithm and implementation " 140575D-I.S.Seneviratne : Designing the algorithm and implementation " 140408V- D.M.G.C.M.Nalinga : Analyzing and implementation " 140405J- N.M.S.Nadeeshan : Testing and implementation " 140079K-S.O.A.D.Buddhika: Making a GUI interface to interact user * The whole algorithm was designed by four of us together since it was the main task. In the implementation, the classes in the program were developed by us as, Frame1:R.S.Samarawickrama , Frame2:I.S.Seneviratne , Frame3: S.O.A.Buddhika, Process: D.M.G.C.M.Nalinga, and the RoudRobin: N.M.S.Nadeeshan.