
Contribute your projects, beginner's preferred

Primary LanguagePython

Starter Projects Repository

Welcome to the Starter Projects repository! This repository is a collection of beginner-friendly Python projects contributed by members of the community. The goal is to provide examples and templates for individuals who are learning Python and want to work on practical projects.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to contribute to the repository:

  1. Fork this repository: Click the "Fork" button in the top right corner of this page to create your own copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

  2. Clone your fork: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/Starter-Projects.git
  3. Create a branch: Create a new branch for your changes. It's a good practice to name your branch descriptively, like:

    git checkout -b branch-name
  4. Make your changes: Choose a task from the list below or add your own beginner-friendly Python project. Feel free to get creative and have fun!

  5. Commit and push: Once you've made your changes, stage and commit them with a descriptive message:

    git add .
    git commit -m 'Brief description of your changes'
    git push origin branch-name
  6. Create a pull request: Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub and click the "New Pull Request" button. Describe your changes in the pull request, and submit it for review.

  7. Wait for review and approval: Our community members will review your pull request. Once it's approved, your changes will be merged into the main repository.

  8. Star this repository: If you enjoyed contributing or found it helpful, don't forget to star this repository!


Choose from any of the following tasks to get started:

  • Add a new beginner-friendly Python project.
  • Improve the documentation of existing projects.
  • Enhance the README.md file.
  • Fix bugs or issues in the projects.
  • Refactor code for better readability and maintainability.
  • Add comments and docstrings to the code for clarity.

Feel free to reach out to our community if you have any questions or need assistance with your contributions.

Thank you for being part of our community, and happy coding! 🚀🐍

P.S hacktoberfest 2023 accepted