
generic react template for starting new projects with manually configured Webpack 4 + kool tooling

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Template for React apps

As a beginner react developer you can start off with a create-react-app for your projects. create-react-app is a great starting point but doesn't prepare the field to a real-world, production-ready SPA. There is an option with create-react-app to eject and personalize the configs, that is too messy to handle.

The goal of this repo is to scaffold a React SPA that has consistent code style, installs and configures default React libraries, uses styled-component and React Bootstrap to give your responsive, mobile-first application.

Added Features

  1. JavaScript

    • supports latest Javascript + TypeScript

    • Babel packages to transpile code to ES5 for wider browser support

      • @babel/core is the Babel compiler core.
      • @babel/preset-env is a preset that allows you to use the latest JavaScript without needing to worry about what transformations/polyfills are needed for browser support.
      • @babel/preset-react is a wrapper around several transformations that enable JSX support and more.
  2. React - Core features only

    • react, react-dom, react-hot-loader, react-router, react-router-dom
    • Add React Bootstrap
  3. Webpack

    • Compile ES6+ code using Babel and TypeScript
    • Cross-env support for ENV variables
    • Clean up the dist folder automatically before each build
    • Cache busting bundled files in Production builds
    • Dev Server for development
    • Hot Module Loading for React
    • Support for SCSS and SCSS modules
    • Support for image processing

To do - add additional features

  • Add Redux and Redux Toolkit
  • Add Redux Saga
  • Organize the Code Structure using ducks pattern recommended by Redux
  • ESLint, Pretter, and Stylelint for code quality consistency
  • Run typescript type checking in parallel mode - fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin
  • Jest for unit testing
  • Dockerize the project
  • Add authentication provider support


  1. https://webpack.js.org/guides/printable/
  2. https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-Babel-Starter
  3. https://developerhandbook.com/webpack/webpack-4-from-absolute-scratch/
  4. https://hackernoon.com/lets-start-with-webpack-4-91a0f1dba02e
  5. https://linguinecode.com/post/how-to-setup-webpack-dev-server-react-babel
  6. https://thomlom.dev/setup-eslint-prettier-react/