An advanced discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Web Dashboard with Slash Commands support!
Pinned issues
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#1333 opened by ripBlaster - 1
Lavalink connection issues?
#1328 opened by IngwiePhoenix - 2
Slash Commands Not Showing
#1326 opened by Hoshikoooo - 1
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Starting Error
#1323 opened by realshavkat - 1
put a hovering effect to buttons for more resposiveness
#1331 opened by Sam94GIT - 0
Issue with the bot
#1322 opened by Kuccu-dot - 1
I using my bot and got this errot
#1312 opened by PanduTriAtmojo - 2
Site Down @
#1310 opened by x6410v - 1
can't deploy on vercel
#1311 opened by Smalorek - 1
This error occurs when installing npm install
#1295 opened by emrullah522 - 1
Playback error!
#1308 opened by Manw107 - 2
problem with the bot
#1289 opened by Rafci - 6
lavalink issue
#1285 opened by Naiml007 - 6
Lavalink v4 Support
#1274 opened by rhonivanpareja - 2
- 1
everything works fine but when /play + the bot keeps Searching... no response
#1294 opened by vovanhau123 - 1
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you can't play the music
#1272 opened by Rafci - 2
TIDAL search support
#1273 opened by jschenke488 - 1
query not found
#1279 opened by iakzs - 2
there is no music coming out of the bot and all the lavalink server dont connect unless it your own
#1262 opened by discnono - 5
Bot quits after music starts
#1261 opened by nanoeray - 1
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cache')
#1258 opened by voaii - 1
Commit NPM lock file into source control
#1266 opened by daichuanwu21 - 3
Crossfade and/or Gapless Playback.
#1257 opened by theLucasAntunes - 1
Bot is now broken
#1259 opened by S1mp1yDucky - 2
Add prefix to commands
#1255 opened by Jim-m-y - 6
The music immediately ended after the music began
#1251 opened by LINKlang - 0
Can't stop searching songs
#1248 opened by Jsonhwrd - 4
Prefix not working
#1237 opened by Naiml007 - 0
DJ role not removable
#1216 opened by Antoohh - 2
Optimize command file and example command file
#1244 opened by LeDaDev - 2
- 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{'
#1249 opened by potatosips - 9
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Crash bot when use Spotify link
#1235 opened by mrrSwift - 5
Requested by undefined
#1232 opened by oye-zzzzuuuu - 3
User cannot move bot between channels or disconnect bot using discord actions
#1226 opened by Jacob439 - 2
Track had an error: undefined.
#1219 opened by icymyers - 1
#nowplaying on Audiomack
#1199 opened by PrinceBissong - 1
I Want TO Know One Thing.
#1220 opened by drasmodeus666 - 5
Spotify URLs not handled correctly
#1215 opened by rartigues - 5
Does it uses Spotify API (cause I prefer spotify more than searching the songs in youtube)
#1200 opened by 301Bri - 3
Discord.js v14 support (v5 related)
#1208 opened by ddodogames - 6
[AutoComplete] /Play command still doesn't autocomplete
#1207 opened by ItJustFox - 9
Play song suggestions error
#1202 opened by heyjumanji - 2
Search suggestions error
#1205 opened by heyjumanji - 6
skip command doesnt put songs i skipped back in the queue, even when i have loopqueue enabled
#1201 opened by Yootz