- 🤔 Entrepreneur (Conebase SAS, Fresh Farms SAS, MediTracks SAS, Etikets SAS, Weka SAS).
- 🤔 Software Engineer (Conebase SAS).
- 🤔 Humanitarian (CNR, UNHCR, Intersos, UN Habitat, UNFPA, Save Communities in Conflicts).
- 🤔 Tech Community Manager (Congo Developers Club, Innovation Days).
- 🤔 Height : 6.3 ft (1m90), Brown Eyes, Basketball, Football (Barcelona Fan).
- 🎓 Studied Computer Science at ISIG Edition (Institut Superieur d'Informatique et de Gestion, 2011-2016, Bac+5).
- 💼 Mobile Application Development: Flutter (Dart), Java Android, Kotlin Android.
- 💼 Web Application Development: ReactJS, GraphQL, NodeJS, ExpressJS, HapiJS, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, Typescript, Redux, NestJS, JestJs, Cypress, Enzyme.
- 💼 Enterprise Application Development(Desktop): C# (Winforms), VB.NET(Winforms), Java (Swing), ElectronJS.
- 💼 Database Developer : SQL Server, SQL Azure, MongoDB, Redis, SQL Lite, Firebase, MySQL, Oracle.
- 💼 Devops:Azure, Heroku, AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Git, GitHub, Docker, NPM, YARN.
- 💻 Web Assemblies with Rust and C++
- 💻 Aspnetcore and Reactjs
- 💻 Django and FastApi
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