
This repository contains all the MATLAB source code files I created while learning about neural networks during my 6th semester of college. Each experiment is designed to explore different aspects of neural networks, from basic operations to advanced applications.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

MATLAB Neural Network

This repository contains all the MATLAB source code files I created while learning about neural networks during my 6th semester of college. Each experiment is designed to explore different aspects of neural networks, from basic operations to advanced applications.

Experiments Overview

  • Experiment 1: Study of Neural Network Toolboxes
  • Experiment 2: Study of MATLAB Functions
  • Experiment 3: Basic Matrix Operations
  • Experiment 4: Plotting in MATLAB
  • Experiment 5: Activation Functions in Neural Networks
  • Experiment 6: Hard Limit Transfer Function
  • Experiment 7: XOR Function with McCulloch-Pitts Neural Network
  • Experiment 8: AND-NOT Function with McCulloch-Pitts Neural Network
  • Experiment 9: Hebbian Network for 2D Input Pattern Classification
  • Experiment 10: Perceptron Net for AND Function with Bipolar Inputs and Targets

Getting Started

To run these MATLAB scripts, you will need MATLAB installed on your computer. Clone this repository and open the files in MATLAB to execute the experiments.

git clone https://github.com/SudoKMaar/sem6-neural-network.git
cd sem6-neural-network


Each folder in the repository corresponds to an experiment. Navigate to the experiment folder and run the MATLAB script associated with that experiment.

cd Experiment_1
matlab -r "run('Experiment 3.m')"


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or improvements, please fork the repository and create a pull request, or open an issue with the tag “enhancement”.


  • My professors and mentors at college who provided guidance throughout the learning process.
  • The online MATLAB community for valuable resources and support.