Dilithium UPS HAT

English | 中文 // TODO


This product is a DIY product. Users should have certain hands-on skills, general computer knowledge, basic electrical knowledge, general safety knowledge, and a very strong sense of safety. Neither the author nor the copyright holder of this product shall be held liable for any adverse consequences resulting from the use of this product.

Where to Buy

Tindie (Worldwide)

Taobao (China mainland)


Supported Platforms

Almost every Linux SBC with a 40Pin Raspberry Pi compatible header is supported.

Tested working devices:

  • Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Raspberry Pi 3A+
  • Raspberry Pi 4B
  • NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB/4GB
  • Pine A64 (A64-DB-V1.1)

Support for MCU boards with a 40Pin Raspberry Pi compatible header (STM32/PIC32/ESP32/etc) is coming soon.


  • Install Dilithium UPS HAT onto your device, without battery
  • Plug in power cable
    • the orange LED should turn on
    • the blue LED should turn on or start blinking
  • Turn on the power switch. The green LED should turn on
  • Install software mentioned below
  • Plug in battery
  • Start a new calibration or import a pre-calibrated profile
  • That's all! Enjoy!

Thermal Notices

Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi 4's CPU is very hot even in idle. If Dilithium UPS HAT is directly placed above the CPU, it will be "roasted" by the hot CPU. You may buy the Pi Zero to A+ adapter (which has a lot of holes and supports installing a fan) to improve this condition.

High Output Current

Sustained 4A output should only be used with proper active cooling. Otherwise it may shorten the board's lifespan or destroy the board.

Fast Battery Charge

If you are charging the battery with a high current (2A or more), and the powered SBC is running an intensive task, the board may overheat. If you choose not to use active cooling, which is fine as long as output current doesn't exceed 3A, charging current will be automatically decreased when during an overheat condition.

Missing Battery and the Blue LED

In normal conditions, the blue LED will be blinking if no battery is connected. However, since it's based on a simple voltage comparator (we choose not to use a MCU, which is a big overhead and will introduce extra costs), if the output current is high, it may stop blinking. This won't affect normal operations.


Currently closed source. We may choose to make them open sourced one day.

These programs won't collect user data or connect to the internet.

Changes to software design could be made without notice.


See releases.


Debian-ish (Debian/Ubuntu/Mate/Armbian/etc)


dpkg --add-architecture armhf
apt update
apt install libc6:armhf libstdc++6:armhf libncurses5:armhf libncursesw5:armhf libtinfo5:armhf
apt install upower kmod
dpkg -i dilithium-tools_<version>_armhf.deb


apt install libncurses5 libncursesw5 libtinfo5
apt install upower kmod
dpkg -i dilithium-tools_<version>_armhf.deb


apt install libncurses5 libncursesw5 libtinfo5
apt install upower kmod
dpkg -i dilithium-tools_<version>_armhf_raspbian.deb

Other distros / hack by yourself

Unpack the .deb file and copy the files to proper destinations.

Or if you prefer not to use a set of closed source tools provided by us, you can:

  • Use TI's bqStudio + EV2400 combo to design your battery profile
  • Write device trees for these devices:
Device I2C addr
bq27510g3 0x55
ds1340 0x68
bq25895 0x6a

Language Support

Currently this software supports only English and Simplified Chinese (UTF8).

Set appropriate LANG environment variables to select different languages. e.g. export LANG=zh_CN.UTF8

If you're using Ubuntu, you may need to install appropriate language packs. e.g. apt install language-pack-zh-hans


Get Battery Stats

From GUI

The battery icon is in the tray area as though you're using a Linux laptop.

You can view detailed battery stats, including history curves, in system settings. Support in different desktop environments may vary.


From Command Line

Simply run upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_bq27510g3_0

If you're using a kernel older than 4.11, use bq27510 instead of bq27510g3.

Example output:

  native-path:          bq27510g3-0
  vendor:               Texas Instruments
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Fri Mar 19 20:41:28 2021 (2 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               charging
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              3.79976 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         12.3072 Wh
    energy-full-design:  12.288 Wh
    energy-rate:         7.02059 W
    voltage:             4.077 V
    time to full:        1.2 hours
    percentage:          30%
    temperature:         58.5 degrees C
    capacity:            100%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-good-charging-symbolic'
  History (rate):
    1616157688  7.021   charging
    1616157686  7.029   charging
    1616157684  7.025   charging
    1616157679  7.025   charging
    1616157677  7.029   charging
From a Programming Language

Simply read from the files in /sys/class/power_supply/bq27510g3-0/. Values are in different files.

If you're using a kernel older than 4.11, use bq27510 instead of bq27510g3.


➜  ~ cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27510g3-0/capacity 
➜  ~ cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27510g3-0/uevent

Maintenance Tools

Calibration Wizard

A TUI wizard to help you set and calibrate the basic parameters of the battery.


Installed path: /usr/bin/Dilithium_Calibration_Wizard

If you use ssh on Windows, please use an xterm-compatible terminal.

Depending on the capacity of your optional battery, this calibration process can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day.

Upon completion, you will get accurate battery capacity information. This is useful when using a suspected fake battery. Then you can get accurate power measurement on any supported battery.

Profile Tool

A command line tool to help you import & export calibrated battery parameters.


Installed path: /usr/bin/Dilithium_Profile_Tool


Dilithium_Profile_Tool --export --file some_4cell_pack.json --cell-count 4 --cell-capacity 2000
Dilithium_Profile_Tool --import --file LGChem_INR18650M26_2600mAh_x3.json

See its --help for more usages.

You're welcomed to share your battery configurations here by creating pull requests.


This document and all battery configurations use the MIT license.

Software & hardware design (C) 2021 SudoMaker, All rights reserved.