
Google Play Store Dataset Analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PlayStore EDA

Google Play Store Apps Dataset Analysis

In the Python Notebook, the Play Store Apps Dataset, taken from Kaggle, is analysed with various Plots and Conclusions. The Dataset has data about more than 10,000 apps in the Store.

Dataset Link : https://www.kaggle.com/lava18/google-play-store-apps

Language : Python

Tool/Environment : Jupyter Notebook

Packages Used : pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn

Important Conclusions from the Analysis are:

    Maximum Number of Apps in the Store are from the "Family' and 'Game' Category.
    Most of the Apps hold a rating of above 4.0 easily.
    A total of 271 Apps have 5.0 Rating.
    The most famous Apps like WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram are the most reviewed Apps.
    93% of the Apps are free in the Play Store.
    The costliest App is 'I am Rich- Trump Edition', which is of $400!
    Apps related to Education, LifeStyle and Tools seem to fetch full Ratings.