Currency Exchanger

By Sue Roberts

This application converts U.S. dollars to various country currencies.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootsrap
  • javaScript
  • jest
  • webpack
  • node


This application lets users type in an amount in U.S. dollars then choose which currency it should be converted to by making an API call to the exchange rate API to determine the most recent exchange rate.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository to your desktop.
  • Go to and sign up to get a free API key.
  • Navigate to the top level of the directory.
  • Enter $ code . to open VsCode.
  • Open terminal at VsCode.
  • create a .env file ($ touch .env)
  • open .env file then enter your API key ( API_KEY={copy and paste your API key here}) Example: API_KEY=11111abc22222efg333344
  • Run $ npm install
  • Run $ npm run build
  • Run $ npm run start

Known Bugs

  • None



Copyright (c) 2022 Sue Roberts