
By Sue Roberts

My prompt: #1 Turning Strings to URLs

  • URLs cannot have spaces. Instead, all spaces in a string are replaced with %20.
  • Write an algorithm that replaces all spaces in a string with %20.
  • You may not use the replace() method or regular expressions to solve this problem.
  • Solve the problem with and without recursion.


whiteboarding view

// Spaces in string: replace with %20
// Return all space in a string with %20

// Input: "Jasmine Ann Jones"
// Output: "Jasmine%20Ann%20Jones"

// Questions:
// javascript?
// Always string?
// Empty string: return %20?

// Psedocoding:
// add loop to check for characters & empty spaces
// if empty space: replace w/ %20
// else: character
// return URL string

Solution without recursion

  function replaceSpace(string) {  
    let stringOutput = "";                       // empty string  

    for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i ++ ) {  // loop to find empty spaces  
      if (string[i] === " ") {                   // replace empty spaces w/ %20  
        stringOutput += "%20";  
      } else {  
        stringOutput += string[i];                // else keep character  
    return stringOutput;                          // return Strings to URLs  

  // TEST:  
    // > replaceSpace("Jasmine Ann Jones");  
    // < 'Jasmine%20Ann%20Jones'