An rpgmaker plugin for text input from the user. Comes in three flavors: classic rpgmaker window, html textbox, html textarea.
Here is an example of it's use:
Here is a code snippet for "handleNewGame()".
async function handleNewGame(passphrase, passwordProtect) {
// Define the variable IDs
if (passwordProtect) {
// If password protected, prompt for a password and save the encrypted passphrase
$gameSwitches.setValue(passwordProtectSwitch, true);
const publicKey = await get_Lisk32AddressfromPassphrase(passphrase);
let confirmedPassphrase = false;
$gameVariables.setValue(publicKeyVariableId, publicKey);
while (!confirmedPassphrase) {
const passwordLabel = showLabelText('Enter your Password');
const password = await window.getStringInputTextBox(-1);
encryptPassphrase(passphrase, password, passphraseVariableId);
const passwordLabelConfirm = showLabelText('Confirm your Password');
const confirmPassword = await window.getStringInputTextBox(-1);
confirmedPassphrase = await decryptPassphrase(confirmPassword, passphraseVariableId);
if (!confirmedPassphrase) {
// Notify the user about the mismatch and restart the process
alert('Password confirmation failed. Please try again.');
} else {
$gameSwitches.setValue(passwordProtectSwitch, false);
// If not password protected, save the public key
const publicKey = await get_Lisk32AddressfromPassphrase(passphrase);
$gameVariables.setValue(publicKeyVariableId, publicKey);
This example is from the project, but should be simple enough to serve as a template for your project.