Tatiana Shatilova's Portfolio
An experienced hard-working Web developer specialised on front-end. Have high code quality standards. Enjoy being a part of a productive experienced team; equally comfortable working on my own projects. My technical expertise is in accessibility, user experience, performance tuning and cross-browser compatibility using JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, ASP.NET MVC, C#. Currently, I work as a full-stack web developer. Given the right opportunity, I am willing to move pretty much anywhere.
Technologies and Tools
I am pretty good at:
- JavaScript, jQuery
I am decent at:
- KnockoutJs, Angular, React
- d3.js
- C#
- SQL, MongoDb
- Jasmine, xUnit
- ReSharper
- BEM notation, SMACSS
Recent Projects
GeekData is a open source project which visualizes technologies, courses and geeks. My role in the project is a front-end development (sigmajs, JavaScript, CSS, jQury).
Heat Map
Heat Map is a self-study project that visualises data as a heat map. Data visualization is made using d3.js.
Meteorite Landing
Meteorite Landing is a self-study project that visualises data across the Globe. Data visualization is made using d3.js.
Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game
Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game is a self-study project that is made using React, jQuery, SASS, ES6.
Game of Life
Game of Life is a self-study implementation of Conway's Game of Life that is made using React, jQuery, SASS, ES6.
Mint is an open source project which contains JavaScript helpful functions. Colibri is written in pure JS, 100% covered with tests (Jasmine) and fully documented.
Colibri is an open source project which contains JavaScript custom extensions for built-in types. Colibri is written in pure JS, 100% covered with tests (Jasmine) and fully documented.
- The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (2006 – 2008). Master, Applied Mathematics, Mathematic modeling.
- Tver State University (2002 – 2006). Bachelor, Applied Mathematics, Mathematic modeling.
- Email: tatashat@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Tatiana Shatilova
- GitHub: @Sufflavus
- Codepen: @sufflavus